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WSAE is the place for all association professionals and industry partners to connect and thrive.

Join the more than 181 professionals in Washington State dedicated to strengthening the associations they lead.

Monday, June 9, 2025 - Learn More


News You Can Use

WSAE Adopts New Name: Washington Society for Association Excellence

After significant review and member responses, the board has agreed to a name change more reflective of our inclusive values and professionalism: the Washington Society for Association Excellence. This new name communicates a more welcoming message to prospective members and reaffirms our commitment to professionalism through our education and professional development programming.


Meet Valerie Hope

[Early Bird rates extended through June 3] Listen to a brief video from thought leader Valerie Hope for a sneak peak on her opening and closing keynote presentations. Valerie's opening keynote will help attendees gain an understanding of how joy comes from harnessing the power of the human spirit when we commit to creating a culture of curiosity and connection between people. Closing out the Convention, Valerie will integrate mindfulness, conflict resolution, and improve practices to help leaders how to connect with others in meaningful ways. 


ASAE, ASA Forge New Partnership Agreement to Benefit Association Community

WASHINGTON— ASAE and the Association Societies Alliance (ASA) jointly announced today a formal partnership agreement that will benefit association professionals nationally and at the state and local level. The agreement centers on three opportunities for collaboration: leadership; the ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition; and advocacy on behalf of the association profession. Among the opportunities formalized in the agreement, leaders from ASAE and ASA will meet regularly to liaison on various initiatives to advance the interests of the association community. ASAE will also work more collaboratively with local SAEs on volunteer engagement and in-market activation of unique opportunities in the host city for its Annual Meeting & Exposition. ASAE and ASA will also collaborate as appropriate to strengthen the association community through one advocacy voice at the national, state and local levels, and to amplify Power of Associations messaging for key audiences.


WSAE 2022 Convention Program Announced

The Washington Society of Association Executives (WSAE) will host its 2022 Annual Convention, scheduled for June 8-10 in-person for the first time in two years, at the Tulalip Resort Casino. The planning committees are committed to excellence and guarantee every participant feels special, valued, and recognized. After a second year that challenged us all, WSAE is committed to return to an in-person format. So, with less than two months until showtime...


WSAE Awards Call for Nominations

We encourage you to nominate the star(s) you've encountered through WSAE. Recipients will be celebrated at the WSAE Annual Convention, June 8-10, 2022 and appear in the summer issue of the Washington Executive.

