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WSAE is the place for all association professionals and industry partners to connect and thrive.

Join the more than 181 professionals in Washington State dedicated to strengthening the associations they lead.


News You Can Use

Enriching the Member Experience Through Innovative Revenue Strategies

July 10, 2024 | 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Complimentary - Sponsored by Tulalip Resort Casino and Explore Seattle Southside 

During this 30-minute Shop Talk session with Lance Clark, CAE - Executive Director at Northwest Housing Association. navigate the ever-evolving landscape of financial stability for associations requires a keen focus on enhancing the member experience. As we explore innovative strategies beyond traditional membership dues in this interactive session, we will not only delve into assessing revenue gaps, fostering strategic partnerships, diversifying income streams, and leveraging technology but also emphasize how these endeavors contribute to an enriched member experience. 


Announcing the Highest Recognition Bestowed Upon Individuals and Organizations

During its June 5-7, 2024 Convention at the Three Rivers Convention Center, the Washington Society for Association Excellence (WSAE) recognized and celebrated the important contributions made over the past year to the Society and the association industry. The outstanding accomplishments of seven individuals and organizations were honored. This year’s award recipients and inspiring examples of the positive impact the association community has throughout Washington State are:


Spring Issue of the Confluence

The Washington Confluence Magazine is the official quarterly publication of Washington Society for Association Excellence. Publications are archived here to preserve our history. See editorial calender for submission dates and themes. Articles should be between 750 - 1500 words, and accompanied by high quality images, author name, organization, title. We especially encourage contributions to our Member News regarding job transitions and organization accomplishments.  If you've built a new website, launched a new membership drive, added staff, or want to share something unique, this is a great space to do that! Please forward content or questions here.


What WSAE Means to Me

Experience our inaugural "What WSAE Means to Me" video by Kyle Tibbs, Executive Director of the Washington State Chapter Community Associations Institute. In watching, you will be introduced to members' unique insights, embracing the diverse perspectives within our vibrant community. Be part of the conversation by sharing your own video about what WSAE means to you. Submit your videos to for an opportunity to be showcased on our platform!


WSAE Member Call for Interest - 2024 Annual Convention

The Education and Learning Committee is taking bold steps in adopting a generative learning (peer to peer learning) approach to convention. We are confident in the expertise of our members and are building the convention content around these five buzzing areas so core to association professionals and our partners skill sets. We invite you to explore the 5 areas and respond indicating your interest in participating in a facilitated discussion sharing your organization's challenges and success at the WSAE Annual Convention located at the Three Rivers Convention Center, June 5 - 7, 2024.  Responses to the [Call For Member Interest] due by February 29, 2024. 


2024 Inclusion Calendar

According to a Harvard University study, diversity initiatives doesn't work unless awareness and inclusion is a daily practice. Being aware of ethnic holidays is key for respectful scheduling and creating inclusion for your staff and members. We've assembled some multicultural dates below to help.

