
News You Can Use

Creating Impactful Credentialing Programs: Using the Right Tools & Processes to Make it Work

The credentialing market and models are evolving within the association space. When considering creating an impactful credentialing program there is a lot to consider. Join us on this webinar to understand the step-by-step process to implement a credentialing program, key technology to consider in order to deliver a robust end-user experience (LMS). Understand the key trends and possible environmental threats out in the "lifelong learning" world and how to ensure your association creates that "golden handcuff" of membership.


Board & Committee Orientation & Motivation

This course covers the spectrum of volunteer management from volunteer recruitment through volunteer engagement. Participants will learn tips and tools for engaging members as volunteers along with how to build their candidate pool by implementing a strong volunteer development program. The presenter will cover key components of an ongoing training program as well as orientation best practices. This course coincides with the Association Options’ Resources: The President’s First 100 Days: Hit the Ground Running and the Volunteer Development Toolkit.


Refreshing Your Exhibit Hall

Your convention registration is great (hopefully!), but darn it, participants are staying out of the exhibit hall in droves. Perhaps it's you. Well, your approach to the exhibit hall. Does it look like it did ten years ago? Are you doing the same thing over and over expecting different results?


Collaboration & Business Intelligence

Learn how Office 365 can reduce your need to send email attachments, make remote meetings more productive, and turn those old excel data files into a visual dashboard that helps you make better business decisions. This seminar will help you discover the full potential of Microsoft productivity solutions and see how they can help solve your business needs by encouraging collaboration and increasing accessibility to BI data and insights.

