
News You Can Use

WSAE DEI Survey Data

The WSAE DEI Task Force partnered with Whitney Marsh of Yum Yum Morale, LLC, to develop and distribute a DEI survey to the membership in the spring of 2022. This data set contained twenty-four questions, twenty-two questions are quantitative and two qualitative. Forty responses were received. Results are compiled and shared in a power point presentation format utilizing charts to graphically demonstrate trends.


Call for WSAE Annual Convention Session Proposals

We invite education proposals to be considered for the WSAE Annual Convention located at the Suquamish Clearwater Resort Casino, June 8-9, 2023. The theme for the convention is "Riding the Wave of Innovation." There will be both plenary and breakout sessions. The tentative schedule is available on the WSAE convention landing page. WSAE is seeking expertise in the topics of growing leaders at every level; building a culture of inclusion; people strategies; and soft skills for leaders working with volunteers. Innovations, diversity, and ethics lenses are encouraged to be included in session content.  Please respond by 5:00 p.m. (PT), Wednesday January 11, 2023, to ensure your session will be considered.


Save the Date for Shop Talks though June 2023

Shop Talks are lightly facilitated Zoom conversations designed to virtually connect you with your peers to discuss the changing business environment. If you have questions or would like to share practices that have worked well for you and your organization, please register and plan to join us. Or visits the Shop Talk Archive to view recordings from previous programs. New in 2023, programs begin at 12:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
January 11: Three Elements of Any Productive Meeting, 12:30 p.m./Hybrid, World Trade Center
January 25: Membership Makeover Hits & Misses
February 8: Keeping Boardrooms Productive & Collegial in a Polarized World
February 22: Must-Haves for Your Social Media Guidelines
Visit the Shop Talk site for topics and dates through June 2023


WSAE Adopts New Name: Washington Society for Association Excellence

After significant review and member responses, the board has agreed to a name change more reflective of our inclusive values and professionalism: the Washington Society for Association Excellence. This new name communicates a more welcoming message to prospective members and reaffirms our commitment to professionalism through our education and professional development programming.

