The ways in which the board and the executive choose to frame their working relationship form the foundation of an association’s work culture. The commitments that governance and management make to one another creates a level of shared accountability that guarantees an equitable leadership process is in place to mobilize the organization to realize its goals. This session will identify the key considerations that result in remarkable leadership relationships that yield positive and satisfying association experiences for everyone involved.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the critical factors that form the underpinning of effective board and executive relationships.

  2. Evaluate the current board and executive experience based on the identified critical factors.

  3. Apply the experiences of peers in developing successful board and executive relationships, including approaches to overcoming barriers.

  4. Reimagine board structures that invite more positive relationships with management by their design.

  5. Embrace and mobilize the executive performance evaluation as an on-going board and executive process and not an annual event.

  6. Develop one action step for immediate implementation to enhance the current board and executive relationship.

Knowledge Broker/Connector/Facilitator/Regular Person: 
Jeffrey R. Wilcox, CFRE, President, Third Sector Company, Seattle

Cameo Presenters: Tom Hurdelbrink, CAE, Hurdelbrink Consulting, Woodinville. Former President & CEO, Northwest Multiple Listing Service. Former WSAE President.

Speaker Bios: 

  • Jeffrey R. Wilcox, CFRE is a nationally-recognized pioneer in the field of leadership succession solutions for community impact organizations. Founder of Third Sector Company, its Interim Executives Academy and Board Chairs Academy, Jeffrey is an author, columnist and popular speaker on succession planning, board and staff talent development and retention, and strategic interim executive solutions for nonprofit charitable organizations, trade and professional associations, and congregations. Since its founding in 2002, Third Sector Company has provided services to over 900 nonprofit organizations in Southern and Northern California, Arizona, the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada. In 2023, Third Sector Company was named a "Top 10" Interim Executives Services Firm by Manage HR Magazine.
  • Tom Hurdelbrink, CAE: Having served as the President and CEO of the Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS) since 2008, Tom Hurdelbrink started a new chapter in his life earlier this year forming Hurdelbrink Consulting, LLC. Tom has extensive executive leadership experience with a focus on strategic thinking and direction, organizational leadership, as well as process improvement and communications. With a wealth of staff resource experience and years of relationship-building with his Boards’, Tom appreciates the nuances and challenges inherent in managing human resources within diverse and dynamic organizational settings. Additionally, he served as WSAE’s 2014 President.