Uncover how personal narratives and professional challenges intersect with our collective response and dialogue around industry hurdles, such as short staffing and the investment in future talent. By sharing WSCPA’s strategic response- including our approach to strategic planning and pipeline development- we’ll examine how we’ve successfully united our members and invested in the next generation. 

After Monette’s presentation, we’ll break into small groups to discuss the challenges and successes we’ve experienced in these rapidly-changing times. We’ll then come back together as a full group to share the highlights of our discussions.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will have a better understanding of how the challenges of their organization’s members are reflected in the experiences of other associations across the spectrum of size/trade/etc.
  2. Participants will share and hear examples of strategic responses by organizations to connect members and invest in the next generation. 

Cameo Presenter: 
Monette Anderson, CAE, Washington Society of CPAs, VP of Membership and Education

Monette has 20 years of experience managing non-profit programs in volunteer and donor relations at organizations like KPBS San Diego, The Make-A-Wish Foundation, and Bloodworks. She enjoys connecting others toward a common goal, utilizing resourceful solutions to streamline processes and contribute a witty attitude to my teams in a fast-paced and demanding work environment. These days Monette is working at the Washington Society of CPAs to engage community partners and help foster connections and opportunities within our community of accountants (and future accountants). 

Kirk Roberts, Co-Owner, Free Range Nonprofit Solutions